Language : 中文 / English

执手相伴 温暖七夕 共度美好时光



Airsafe Airport Equipment Co.,Ltd
Language : 中文 / English

Intelligent Airport Lighting Control and Monitoring System (I-ALCMS) Obtained ALCMS-C Type Notice for Civilian Airport Equipment
Enjoy Good Times in Warm Qixi Hand in Hand
The Celebration of 20th Anniversary of Shanghai Airsafe Airport Equipment Co., Ltd


Airsafe Airport Equipment Co., Ltd. is a company who is researching, developing and manufacturing of visual aids for navigation, is a Shanghai high-tech enterprise and is also a Shanghai science and technology small giant cultivation enterprise. Its predecessor is Wuhan aviation safety airport complete equipment Co., Ltd. Airsafe was restructured in April 2003, registered in Shanghai in August 2010, and moved to Baoshan new campus in Jan 2021.

The products of Airsafe company cover all lighting fixtures for runway and taxiway, sine wave CCRs, and airport lighting control and monitoring systems. We have provided visual aids for navigation for more than 200 airports in China and worldwide, and our products have a high reputation in the industry.

Airsafe is one of a few companies in the world that can provide a complete set of visual aids for navigation to the airport. To create a Chinese own international first-class brand in the world is the goal which is proposed by the Airsafe board. All staff of the company will continue to make unremitting efforts around this established goal.